
PWD Capital division A starts restoration of colony roads


The PWD capital Division A started its restoration works after the sever landslide hit the state and capital region wherein several arterial roads were damaged.

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Te PWD Capital Divison A & B have been maintaining the most of the arterial in Itanagar have been since day one began its restoration work in several roads which were badly affected and the traffic movements were badly affected.

Since weather got sunny and the engineers of the PWD Captial Divison A & B engaging several JCB in different stretch of roads in Itanagar township today as seen in road at ESS to C Sector Via CM private resident and DDK, road at C-II Sector, road on Pachali-Ganga Market via BSI, Senki View, Senki Park etc.

The engineers of PWD while said that the restoration shall continue in different parts of Itanagar as many parts have been badly affected by severe landslide and downpour.

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