
NEEPCO to shutdown powerhouse at Yazali and Doimukh

The Ranganadi Hydro Electric Plant (PHEP) under the North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPCO) will shutdown from February 10 TO 24 for the repairing and maintenance.


Both the power house of Yazali under Lower Subanairi district and Doimukh under Papum pare district will be shutdown for 10 to 12 days informed Paresh Barman, Project head of NEEPCO.

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The Ranganadi Hydro Electric Plant (PHEP) under the North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPCO) will shutdown from February 10 TO 24 for the repairing and maintenance.

Barman said that the matter has informed immediately to the local administration at Kimin and circular issued to all other  stakeholders of downstream simultaneously.

Meanwhile a circular has already issued for maintaining precautionary measures at both the banks of the river including Panyor(Ranga Nadi) and Pare.

During the shutdown period there will be no power supply as both the powerhouse will be affected he informed.

The circular issued by ADC Kimin said “All concerned are therefore requested to circulate the same among the villagers residing in and around the reservoir area, on the bank of river Ranganadi (Paniyor), downstream of Diversion Dam and Dikrong (Pare) (Downstream of Power House) not to go nearer to the reservoir area. “

“They are also directed to keep the cattle’s like Mithun, Cow, Goat. Pig, Dog etc away from the river in order to avoid any accident/loss thereof.

The NEEPCO will not take any responsibility for any loss/damage of life/property etc in case of any accident occurs owing to violation of this notice.” the letter said.

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