In an ironic state of affairs, a suspension bridge over Singki river in Itanagar is now itself hanging by the balance. The bridge is in poor condition and is barely functioning .
Here are the photographs of the Suspension bridge over Singki river, situated about 100 metres from Dera Natung Govt. college in Itanagar. The bridge which connects Police colony with Statistic department is in dilapidated condition and likely to collapse anytime.
You can see in the photographs, a series of wire ropes that support traffic carrying deck are broken in many places and bridge is slightly bent more towards one side. Moreover, there are many holes in the deck due to wear & tear.
This bridge is starting to pose a serious threat to the life of hundreds of commuters who are passing through it daily. If some remedial measures are not taken immediately then it can cause causality anytime.
These photographs has provided by one of our reader , residing near by area. Hi purpose is to