The residents of Koki Kota Colony and 6 Kilo area of Itanagar, on Sunday raises various developmental issues of their locality and before their MLA Techi Kaso who is also the Parliamentary Secretary, PWD, UD and ULB.
They also submitted a memorandum to the MLA mentioning the demands for CC Pavement with Retaining wall/Breast wall at Colony Road, Drainage system in the colony, Water supply with storage tank, CC footpath of measuring 300 mtrs.
Techi Kaso after inspecting the colony road interacted the locals and appal them to maintain patience and assured to take up the matter with the government for consideration. He said all schemes which were forwarded for year 2017 may be taken up in first phase and these scheme will be taken up later.
Kaso informed that there have been some problems with the some colony where roads have not been constructed or CC pavement have not been done earlier, He said that he have helped during the formation cutting of the sadi stretch of road and CC pavement and other issue will be taken up in phase manner.
6 Kilo (Police checkpoint Colony) Development Committee Chairman Kipa Pajik and General Secretary T. N. Tara while submitting the memorandum appeal Kaso for early CC pavement of road before monsoon
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