Arunachal Pradesh Assembly today passed a bill to do away with the Anchal Samiti, the intermediate level of the three-tier panchayati raj system, and set up a two-tier panchayati Raj system in the state.
This is being done following the 73rd Amendment of the Constitution that enables a state having less than 20 lakh population not to have the intermediate level, and Arunachal has a population of 13.84 lakh, Panchayat Minister Alo Libang said.
He said planning and execution of schemes would be faster in a two-tier panchayati raj system, as there would be direct connection between Gram Panchayats and Zila Parishads, the village and district levels of the panchayati raj system.
In a two-tier system, the strength of elected members would be reduced, thus helping in saving money for conducting polls and functional costs on Anchal Samities, Libang said.
The minister said the revenue saved could be utilised for developmental activities and strengthening the panchayats.
Later the house passed the Bill by voice votes.
He said the three-tier panchayati raj institutions were set up in the state in 2003, 2008 and 2013, and elections for the next five-year term is due in April-May this year.
Chief Minister Pema Khandu while participating in discussion and referring to the point raised by the Wangling Lowongdong of Borduria-Bogapani said that the tribal Chief in some area of Tirap and other district were having special status like of Nagaland, will be given due respect by the district administration.
The functioning of Panchayat in three tier system was not so efficient and we have discussed to implement two tier system and the proposed bill is for abolition of Anchal Samiti.
The bill will be send to department for modification of some rule and requested the department to take suggestion of party president and MLAs and appeal members to pass their suggestion.
GD Wangsu. suggested the house to constitute a committee to go for pros and cons and review for amendment if not it would be a repeat of mistake of the past
Nikh Kamin while said that the bill may have prepared by the team of officers and team which would be in the interest of the people. ‘MLA and Panchayat members pati our patni jaisa hai’ and development are better.
He said that there have been gap between the party affiliation and it may be done independently and requested to send it to a select committee for through revision.
Japu Deru said that the Gram Sabha and Zila Parishad will be there and deletion of Anchal Samity was welcome.
Punji Mara said that the the bill of which we are discussion here is a matter of discussion everywhere outside. There is a confusion of Gram Pancahayat who select Gram Chairperson who are cheque authority and AS Chairperson remain without any work and there remain misunderstanding. He suggested for modification in the amendment bill with clear provision of the women reservation.
Takam Pario said that The bill brought for two tier Panchayat system would take time and wanted to know about the funding position for development till election is held
He also wanted that several towns have been declared as Urban towns or there election may be held unlike Itanagar and Pasighat or the election to both panchayat or Municipal would be held simultaneously.
Tirong Aboh– request to send the bill to a select committee and suggested for deletion of party system.
Lombo Tayeng– said that the Panchaay Raj system is prevailing only in Arunachal and Assam and village council are available in others state of the region. Panchayat Raj system is available since 1967 since after recommendation of Late Dayeng Ering and supported the bill and wanted some correction.
Kardo Nyigyor said that due to delimitation the seat of Zila Parishad is increasing and two tier system as per constitution guidelines would be good for Gram Panchayat and Zila Parishad.
Wanglin Lowangdong-said that three tier system come into being in 2003 and same clause was there and the population of state of even less as of now. After ten year we may have to come again for same as the population may higher than 20 lakhs.
After emergence of Pancahayt Raj system rural people have come to know about their right and development. The local self government and traditional system need to be given more privilege. This amendment should be enacted and we need not to sit again if we can frames certain rules and regulation which would clarify entire people and concern of the MLAs.
He said that issues are there that the Panchayat election is done before or after assembly election. He said that ASM have no work and most of works are done by Grams and Zila Parishad Members. He refers the earlier system of two tier system which was available in state.
Other members who participated in the discussion which included Minister Jarkar Gamlin, Wangki Lowang, MLA Tanga Byaling, PD Sona, Phosum Khimun and Kento Rina who all give their suggestion and supported the bill which was adopted by voice vote.
Really appreciable bill is been successfully passed. But I have doubt..? who will lead the village if only gram panchayat will elect in the village. Because a Zilla parishad is a single for entire block, Zilla can’t be there in all villages at same time n the village panchayat member remains of same rank or category. So who will lead the villagers for their development.
Better late than never👍👌