
Arunachal: Felix lauded LD Valley police for establishing a “Counselling Centre” for drug user


Home Minister Bamang Felix today lauded the Lower Dibang Valley police for establishing of a “ Counselling centre” for the drug users and the initiative for anti drug squad of Lower Dibang valley police.

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Felix while inaugurating the counsenlling centre said that this will go a long way in establishing confidence among the people of the area and support to fight against the drug users. He said at the same time it would help the anti squad to bring the drug users to main stream by giving proper couselling, guidance, suggestion and knowledge.

SP Lower Dibang Valley Sanjay Kumar Sain, in his address said that, after joining in the district he found that the district was plagued by drug abuse and if urgent measures were not taken this could destroy the  future of  younger generation.

To make people understand the extent of the problem, an awareness campaign was first launched where Lower Dibang Valley Police organised rallies, debates and essay competition at school level making people aware about the evils of drug abuse.

Community Out-reach programmes such as Nagrik Bhaichara Samiti and Samwad organised by Lower Dibang Valley Police helped in getting communities riled up against drug abuse and this was created a general atmosphere of anti-drug abuse in the district,  He said.

Then to tackle drug-abuse on war-footing the “Anti-Drug Squad (Crime Unit), an unique concept where a dedicated police unit was created and was entrusted with containment of drug-abuse in the district by arresting drug peddlers and suppliers.

Anti-Drug Squad till date has been extremely successful through their efforts more than 20 cases under relevant narcotics law has been registered, 67 peddlers have been arrested and huge quantity of narcotics have been seized. He inform.

The Anti-Drug Squad should not only be dealing with the penal side of the drug abuse but to  also delve into counseling and rehabilitation of victims of drug-abuse and to achieve it, a road-map has been drawn. He said.

A dedicated Nodal Officer (Anti-Drug Squad, Rehabilitation Unit) was appointed. The ADS- Rehabilitation Unit started off its mission with creating a registry of active users in the district, after the creation of the registry with the help of medical officials a health camp was organised at SP office to assess the health of all drug abuse victims.

After the health camp, first counseling session was held on 20/11/2029 at SP office which was followed by counselling sessions on 24/11-2019 and will be followed by consecutive  counselling sessions organised by Kripa Foundation, a leading NGO in the field of de-addiction.

After the counselling sessions, selected drug abuse victims would be send to rehabilitation and de-addiction camps to help them join the mainstream of the society. The said venture would be financially and logistically supported by District Police and for that a joint account will be opened with President IMCLS and President ABK (District Unit) as account holders.

Given the fact that it is police that first encounters drug abuse victims and that police station may not always serve as a conducive environment to council this young boys and girls.

Lower Dibang Valley Police has dedicated a room as “Counselling Centre” at Police Station which will serve as a first stop for all drug abuse victims who are brought at the station.

The said Counselling Centre would be run in collaboration with NGO’s and medical department and would ensure proper care and constant  look-after of all drug abuse victims. SP added.

Among other Chayangtajo MLA Hayeng Mangfi, top police officers of the district and local leaders from various NGOs were present on the occasion. A release added.

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