
Arunachal: Felix flag off Construction work of NH-713 in Kra Daadi district



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Minister PHE, IPR & Parliamentary Affairs Bamang Felix flagged off the construction work of NH-713 from  Joram to Koloriang road recently at Choba block point in Kra Daadi district.

The road C/O two lane road with paved shoulder of Joram-Koloriang road on EPC basis from existing Kilometere 50 to 158 with (design Km 44 to 138.398) of 95 kilometre approximately under SARDP-N through National Highway Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited  (NHIDCL) while TK Consortium Private Limited will execute the work on EPC basis

Minister also participated in “Bhumi Puja” at the same venue. Deputy Commissioner Kurugn Kumey Kangki Darang, Deputy Commissioner Kra Daadi Pieg Dligu, NHIDCL Side engineer, Authority Engineer, TK Consortium private Limited several officials and HODs of both the district were present on the occasion.

Addressing the gathering Minister Bamang Felix said that the work is of national importance as it connect with the last village situated along China border  and there should be no hindrance from the public as it would be the life line of both district. He directed the Dc concern to take necessary steps for smooth execution of the project up to Koloraing town the district headquarter of the Kurung Kumey.  He also appeal the TK Company to start the work within first week of April

TK Engineering Director Techi Tara also address the gathering and appeal the public including PRI leaders and officer to extend necessary support so that the work/project is carried out smoothly and completed in time with quality.

Later on he paid a visit to ongoing Pagu MHS and instructed the Hydro Power department to complete the project within a year. He also instruct the department to liaison with Power Department and make a comprehensive plan for power evacuation, transmission and distribution.

He also visited Palin Model College site and assured to send a team of officers from Directorate of Higher and Technical Education for inspection and assessment of the project in order to make the college functional as early as possible.

Minister along with the entire team of Palin PHE & WS division, also visited the ongoing project for supply of water to 256  EWS families who will be living on the building under construction by UD Department under RAY. He also visited the ongoing Jorung Water Supply project under NRDWP, which will provide water to 50 bedded hospital, Palin and nearby area.

Later on he attended the interaction cum review meeting with the HODs along with Er. Markio Tado, MLA 20 Tali AC and DC Kra Daadi Pige Ligu. He suggested the HODs to converge and conceptualise their ideas together and to make comprehensive action plan for the welfare of the District.

He told the HODs to be well versed with the Budget and Govt policies so that information can be disseminated to the grassroots level and project can be taken up accordingly. He also gave timeline to some of the department to complete their project.


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