Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu while talking to reporters at the Rajbhawan helipad here cleared that there is no political crisis or change of government in the state. There may be problem within the 9 MLA of Peoples Party of Arunachal (PPA) but BJP government is all fine and stands for the welfare of state.
While congratulated the two winning candidates of BJP from 12- Pakke Kessang and 28-Likhabali constituencies Khandu said that the people have cast their vote for development agenda.
In the meantime he said there was a long discussion with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on various developmental issues of the state. Revamping of the aged government structures in the state, comprehensive water supply plan and Greenfield Airport at Hollongi were some of the major issues raised during the meeting which PM Modi has assured to look into it and promised to visit and expedite in his visit to the state next month on January, he said.
Regarding boycotts of recent by election at kangku circle, he said it is unfortunate that five polling Station out of 9 had been boycotted by the local people. However the state government is taking strong initiative on the Issue, and soon road will be construct at Kangku Circle he added.
The chief minister was accompanied by Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein, state BJP president Tapir Gao and welcomed by BJP State Vice-president Tame Phassang and leaders on his return to the state.
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