
Itanagar: Admin to launch video complaint against over pricing of essential commodities


The capital district administration has decided to launch a video complaint against over pricing of essential commodities.


This was decided  in a meeting with NGOs and Volunteers,  convened by the Deputy Commissioner Itanagar Capital Region Komkar Dulom on Thursday  to discuss modalities to identify people in need of ration and to ensure that the ration items reach to every genuine individual in need of it.

If a person who came with a complaint  across such instances of price hike may inbox the videos of the  same to the Facebook page of District Administration Capital Complex and the identity of the complainant would be kept confidential.

It must be mention here that “The capital district administration has been receiving numerous reports of price hike of essential and non essential commodities since lock down wass imposed.

During the meeting, it was decided that District Administration would work in collaboration with these volunteers to increase its reach out to the needy people. The DC also lauded the volunteers for their untiring effort to serve at this time of crisis. He hoped that with the collaboration, DA would be able to serve and reach out to more number of people.

Helpline for stranded students of Capital Region has also been decided to be set up as we  have many stranded students here from various districts.

The meeting was attended by EAC welfare Dakli Gara, T Ekke AMDO, Secretary General APWWS Kani Nada Malling, Tadu Lampung and Habung Aape of Humanity  First, Kamte Ringu and Lohit Borah of Himalayan Watchdog, Yukar Lania of Magic Club, Bage Kamsi of Wake up Arunachal Volunteers and Kipa Mangal BJYM worker.


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