
Khandu launches Chief Minister Helpline 155250


In a remarkable steps towards bringing in transparency and accountability to the people of Arunachal Pradesh,  Chief Minister Pema Khandu today launched the Chief Minister’s Helpline No.155250 in presence of Dy. Chief Minister Chow Na Mein and host of dignitaries at Banquet Hall here on Monday wherein the citizen can lodge and register their grievances  by dialling 155250 at the Call Centre set up by Department of Information Technology & Communication.


CM Helpline 155250 for CPGRAMS portal is an attempt of state government to improve the quality of public service. Through CM Helpline,  citizens can now lodge their grievance online, the executive would file the grievance on their behalf at CPGRAMS portal and submit to Govt of Arunachal Pradesh. Once the grievance is filed, citizen receive a text sms that their grievance has been registered and they will be notified once it is closed as well.

The helpline would also assist you to check the status of your grievance and inform citizen with the grievance reply give.

Prince Dhawan, Special Secretary IT & C gave a  power point presentation on the working of the CPGRAM portal while  Sonam Chombay, Secretary IT&C briefed the gathering on working of the Call Centre.

Earlier, Ram Madhavji, BJP General Secretary incharge Arunachal Pradesh speaking on the occasion was highly appreciative of the State Govt. under the young leadership of  Pema Khandu for giving Technology a great leaf in the state by making the best use of the technology to ensure transparency and accountability in the functioning of the Govt.

He further congratulated the Chief Minister for using the technology towards making a transparent governance and government in line with the vision of Prime Minister Modiji.


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