
Khandu Constitutes Group of Secretaries


Chief Minister Pema Khandu has constituted Group of Secretaries (GOS) in six different themes to translate his vision for Arunachal to reality.

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 Khandu has sought ideas and suggestions from the GoS in six broad themes viz Good Governance- Challenges and opportunities in Arunachal Pradesh, Arunachal as the Organic Hub and fruit bowl of India, Arunachal as the centre for wellness, spritual and adventure tourism, Employment generation and skill development, health and education – quality access to all and Land – can its resource potential to be unlocked?

These Group of Secretaries will workout a detail plan in their respective themes and present to the Government shortly.

 A meeting of GOS was convened today by Chief Secretary who categorically briefed the secretaries to deliver their best in suggesting the government with suitable and viable suggestions so that the vision plan of making Arunachal a front runner state is achieved.


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