Parliamentary Secretary Disaster Management Kaling Moyong today inspected various damaged area of the state capital after two days of heavy downpour.
Moyong alongwith officials visited the affected people at Chandraagar and discussed the problems with the local resident. He paid visit at the relief camp located at Gyan Ganaga Vidya Peeth, Chandranagar and find satisfaction on the management which would be utilised in case of emergency.
The team also visited the most affected place which the people of the Itanagar is facing is damaged site near Dree ground and find that the Highway department is working on war footing basis. He also visited the few affected places on Papu Nallah-Jullang road and directed the DC Capital to make through the stretch and take care of as it is the only connectivity at present stage until the damaged near Dree ground on NH-415 is restored.
Later they visited the Borpani bridge at C Sector, Naharlagun and find that the bridge need immediate attention as one side of the bridge is being threatened and he directed the official accompanied to prepare immediate plan to construct immediate support as the bridge is the only lifeline between Itanagar-Naharlagun .
Talking with arunachal24 Moyong said that I have been directed by the Chief Minister to take stock of the situation and I have visited all the vulnerable places at Chandranager, National Highway road, bypass road and report is being prepared and would be submitted to chief minister for consideration of the government so that protection measures are being taken at the earliest.
Director Disaster Management Incharge Deputy Director M Tayeng, ICC Deputy Commissioner Prince Dhawan, Disaster Management Officer (HQ) Aling Tallang, SP Papum Pare Incharge Capital Tumme Amo, Itanaagr EAC Jiken Bomjen, DDMO Moromi Sonam, Itanagar WRD Executive Engineer Techi Topu, IMC Councillor Gora Tallang among others accompanied the Parliamentary Secretary at various location and take stock of the situation for further action.