North East

Assam: UNIFEST at RGU- DAY 3

The competitions for the day included the One Act Play, Classical Instrumental (Solo), Spot Photography....etc


The third day of the 35th Inter University East Zone Youth Festival (UNIFEST) 2019-20 gained momentum with positive spirit at RGU Campus, where contingents tucked into the events with gusto. The competitions for the day included the One Act Play, Classical Instrumental (Solo), Spot Photography, Quiz, Installation, Group song, Clay modeling, Western Vocals and cartooning.

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The participating Universities for these events were, 16 Universities for One Act Play, 13 Universities for group Song, 7 Universities for Instrumental (solo),  Universities for spot photography,  19  Universities for Quiz, of which 6 have qualified to the finals, 18 Universities for installation,  16 Universities for clay modelling, 15 Universities for western  Vocals (solo).

Participants were at their utmost zeal in showcasing their talents.  Mr A.K. Pansari, Chancellor,  Mr A.K. Modi, Pro Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) S.P Singh, Vice Chancellor & Patron, Mrs Angira Mimani, Registrar & Cultural Coordinator, students, staff and faculty also motivated and cheered the teams for their outstanding performances.

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