
Arunachal : RGU orders temporary suspension of Boundary wall construction

Rono Hills 

The Rajiv Gandhi University ( RGU )  Authority on Monday ordered temporary suspension of the ongoing boundary wall construction in the university.

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The order said that, due to some disputes along the varsity’s boundary line, the work has been withheld and that it would resume after it has been solved.

According to the authorities, land disputes have cropped up in two places, one at Women Technological Park and other behind RGU’s guest house.

A meeting was held today at VC’s chamber in this connection. Attending the meeting AAPSU VP (Protocol) Dr. Tayuk Sonam expressed satisfaction over the university administration’s decision to construct the wall as per the old map of the university.

“The old map which has signatories of about twelve people, including Gaon Burahs, landowners, university authority and Deputy Commissioner is the authentic one and the boundary demarcation should be made according to it”, Dr. Sonam said while assuring AAPSU’s assistance wherever required.

Official records also said that in 1985, the actual area of the varsity was measured by the District Administration, headed by the then Deputy Commissioner; and accordingly angle posts were laid on the basis of the map designed by the DA.

Authorities also said that, the existing angle posts and fencing are the authentic proof the university’s actual land demarcation.

The meeting was also attended by AAPSU, RGUSU and RGURSF members.

Earlier on Friday, the RGUSU and AAPSU had called for immediate suspension of wall erection alleging usurpation of university land.

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