
Arunachal: NCPCR, APSCPCR team visit Oju Welfare Association

ITANAGAR-  National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) Legal Division Consultant, Adv. Anuj Saluja, along with Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (APSCPCR) Member and Chairman i/c Neri Chongruju and newly inducted CWCs from various district of Arunachal Pradesh and facilitated by Seva Bharti Purbanchal visited Oju Welfare Association (OWA), as a part of their ongoing “7 days residential Training of Child Welfare Committee (CWCs) on child rights”.

The main objective of the visit was to acquaint the trainees of the training programe on the functioning’s of Specialized Adoption Agency (SAA), Children Home or Child Care Institution (CCI) and the care and rehabilitation being provided to the children sheltered at the homes. The visitor’s also visited Specialized Adoption Agency (SAA), CCI and interacted with them.


Later after visiting the homes a small programme was arranged at the auditorium. Wherein, Smti. Ratan Anya, Chairperson, OWA, while addressing the visitors highlighted on various services being rendered for the upliftment of women and children sheltered at OWA under one roof. Children’s also presented a song couple of dance and also demonstrated yoga asana.

Adv. Anuj Saluja, Consultant Legal Division, NCPCR while sharing his words was impressed by the tremendous work done in the best interest of the children. He also quoted that the children are so talented and ambitious. Shri Neri Chongruju, Member, APSCPCR and Chairman i/c also spoke on the occasion.


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