
Arunachal: National Seminar on, Education: Affirmative Action and Inclusion in North-East India, inaugurated in RGU

ITANAGAR- Two Day National Seminar on, Education: Affirmative Action and Inclusion in North-East India, inaugurated in Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU). Department of Education, (RGU)is providing a national platform to academicians and scholars to deliberate on a very crucial issue of the time. At the very outset Prof. P K Acharya, Head Department of Education, welcomed all the guests and research scholars and thanked the participants for their enthusiasm because ninety six research and thematic papers are to be presented in seven technical sessions.

Dr. Sumin Prakash shared the objectives of the seminar with the audience and justified the cause of selecting the theme. Prof. Saket Kushwaha, Vice Chancellor, in his video message expressed his best wishes for the organising team, congratulated the department of education for organising national seminar on such a relevant topic that compels us to think where we stand and what affirmative actions have really been taken in context of Arunachal Pradesh.

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Dr. Joram Begi, Former Chief Information Commissioner and former Director, Higher and Technical Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh graced the occasion as  Chief Guest of the inaugural session and Speaker for the plenary session.

He spoke on the topic “Language Diversity, Indigenous Knowledge system and Education” and highlighted how once Assamese was the lingua franca of the Arunachal Pradesh, Agitation of 1971 to make English as medium of instruction and now what is the position of languages of various tribes with respect to Hindi Language.

Dr. Begi pointed out the importance of establishing the Arunachal State Board of School Education for preserving and propagating indigenous knowledge system.

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Prof. Madhu Kushwaha from BHU delivered the key note address and in her speech highlighted importance of forward looking and backward looking approach in maintaining social justice and design of affirmative actions.

Prof. Amitva Mitra, e Vice-chancellor in charge and Pro Vice chancellor, RGU, presented economic point of view in maintaining social equity. Dr. N T Rikam, expressed his best wishes and Prof. T Lhungdim, Dean Faculty of Education gave a brief account of the history of department of education and joined Prof. P K Acharya in welcoming the guests and delegates and their happy stay in RGU and Arunachal Pradesh. Prof. Prabha Shankar Shukla  Vice-chancellor and chairman ICSSR, NERC joined the programme via video link. Senior Professor J Sahoo, Elizabeth Hangsing , Kesang Degi and Boa Reena Tok were also present. Dr. Vivek Singh presented Vote of Thanks.

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