Arunachal: Donyi polo day celebrated across the state

Donyi-Polo Day was celebrated by indigenous faith believers across the state on the last day of the year to pay respect to the natural elements.
The day was celebrated at the Hollongi Nyedar Namlo and the Ganging in Itanagar by followers with traditional zest and religious zeal in Papum Pare district.
Attending the celebration, Sports and Youth Affairs Minister Mama Natung exhorted on the followers of Donyi-Polo to strengthen their religious identity as descendants of Abo Tani, and faith in Donyi-Polo.
Saying that “Donyi and Polo are the only gods we can be seen day and night,” Natung noted that the “lack of scriptures and late education has led people to converge into other religions.”
Natung also informed that the state government has already approved for creation of Doyi-Polo prayer centers in all districts of the state.
Department of Indigenous Affairs Under Secretary Pill Topu hoped that the followers of Donyi-Polo would continue to spread the message of peace and brotherhood in the state.
He highlighted how a separate department had to be created to preserve the indigenous practices and called on people not only to preserve traditional attires, but also preserve the culture and traditions of ancestors.
Chairman of the Hollongi Nyedar Namlo, Taniang Ningee also held a prayer for peace, prosperity and communal harmony and preservation of traditional practices.
During the celebration, devotional and traditional dances, Surya Namaskar were performed by the believers of Donyi-Poloism by the tribal community living in Kokila, Balijan and Hollongi.
Balijan ADC Taso Gambo, local officers and leaders of the area, Leaders from BJP, RSS, ABVP, AVP among others were present during the celebration.
Report of celebration has also received from other parts of state.