
Arunachal- Diocese of Changlang Distributes Bicycles




Believers Eastern Church Diocese of Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh, today distributed 40 bicycles to its dedicated workers on 19 December 2017 at Kharsang. It was in a program observed for the newly ordained Deacons in which the Diocese embraced the occasion with goodwill becoming the part of Thanksgiving Cum Reception Program in the first session of the event.

The Diocesan Secretary Rev. Fr. Khuptinthang pointed out in his first introductory speech that the Diocese created a history by ordaining 12 deacons since they came into existence in 2003 with the objective of strengthening and engaging the Diocese in all the development activities.


He further thanked the Metropolitan of Believers Eastern Church, H.E. the Most Rev. Bishop Dr. K.P. Yohannan for his love and care for the Diocese and he thanked Rt. Rev. Dr. Juria Bardhan the Arch-bishop of Jorhat Diocese for ordaining 12 deacons.

Mr. T. Wangpan the Officer-In-Charge of Kharsang Police Station has graced the program as Chief Guest. In his speech he was quoted saying, “I am very thankful to the Church for inviting me as Chief Guest to open up with few thoughts”.  He also thanked the Believers Eastern Church for doing social work and helping the communities through various means.

He further added, “I know the great contribution of Christian Communities in Arunachal Pradesh that through their teaching Arunachal got advanced and developed in many areas, like disciplining the people into civilised citizen, and contributed towards the peace in the society.

The color of Arunachal has vastly changed because of Christian society through their Good Samaritan work and teaching.”  Lastly, he urged all the workers of the Church to carry on their good deeds contributing towards peace and prosperity in the state.


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