
Arunachal: Awareness programme on Millets cultivation held at Pangkang village

News on millets scientific cultivation and its value addition in the state is getting focus more nowadays.

PANGKANG-  An awareness  programme on Input distribution & method demonstration of  improved sowing practices in the millet cultivation was held  at Pangkang village of Riga Circle in Siang District.

Actually the news on millets scientific cultivation and its value addition in the state is getting focus more nowadays.


The Multi Technology Testing Centre and Vocational Training Centre of CAU, Imphal in collaboration with ICAR-Indian Institute of Millets Research, Hyderabad is doing lot of interventions regarding this to upscaling of millet cultivation and income through value addition, as a part of this Dr. Premaradhya N, Assistant Professor & Project Investigator of this Millet Project, organized this awareness programme.

Arunachal: Training for scientific cultivation of Millets held at Berung village

A Group of 75 farmers and farm women’s from this village had participated actively to make aware of good agricultural practices to adopt by them as well as its importance of value addition to entrepreneurship development.

Later, they all participated in the demonstration of line sowing method in finger millet and foxtail millet cultivation in the farmer’s field, which was concluded by distribution of quality seeds and vermicompost for large scale production and the programme was witnessed by the Gaon buras, President and members of FIG and villagers.


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