
Arunachal:  89 sports persons gets incentives from State govt

On the occasion of National Sports Day Dr. Mohesh Chai presented incentives from state govt to 89 sports persons of the state. 


The state government presented cash incentives to 89 sports persons of the state who have done exceedingly well in their respective sporting fields on the occasion of the National Sports Day organised by the department of Sports and Youth Affairs on 29th August to commemorate the birth anniversary of hockey wizard Major Ghyan Chand at the state banquet hall, Itanagar amidst a huge gathering.


While greeting the participants on the occasion Sports and Youth Affairs minister Dr. Mohesh Chai hoped that with the hard work of the coaches and the students of the lone sports institution Sange Lhaden Sports Academy would usher in rapid development in the growth of sporting activities in the state and exhorted the awardees to travel the proverbial extra mile to achieve excellence in their chosen disciplines.

 Dr.Chai conveyed the message of chief minister to the participants on the occasion because the latter could not make it to the function due to the on-going Assembly session.

While throwing light on the sports scenario of the country the minister said that India had also started performing well in sports in the international arena adding that the nation had to work doubly hard to catch up with the more developed sporting countries by creating more infrastructures and by training the sports persons from young age.

While assuring the management and students of Sange  Lhaden Sports Academy that the state government would not leave any stone unturned to improve the infrastructures there, the minister urged upon the students to train harder with a greater degree of commitment and resolve to equip themselves with all the wherewithal to compete against the best in the world adding that there was no dearth of sporting talents in the state.

Earlier, Dr. Chai lighted symbolic lamp at the portrait of Maj, Ghyan Chand and launched the Sports department’s WEBSITE ( to mark the day. He also released a booklet on National Sports Day and honoured the coaches of the Sange Lhaden Sports Academy.

In his welcome address, the Secretary of Sports and Youth Affairs Dani Salu told that a sports policy was in the offing that would address the problems being faced by the sports persons in the state.

A seminar was also conducted earlier in the day that immensely benefited the participants. The Director of Sports, Chairman and Treasurer of Arunachal Olympic Association, representatives of various sports associations and students and coaches of SLSA, Itanagar actively participated in the celebrations.


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