
Arunachal: 12 hrs Anjaw and Lohit bandh passes off peacefully



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12 hours Dawn to Dusk bandh call in the entire Anjaw & Lohit district together by All Mishimi Student Union (AMSU), All Anjaw District Student Union (AADSU) and All Lohit District Student Union (ALDSU) as part of phase – 1 of the bandh passed off peacefully.

The unions called  the bandh resorting strong protest on behalf of the entire Mishmi community alleging against the unjustified and arbitrary arrest and non – bailable detention of Behenso Pul (Former GS, AMSU), Legem Takaliang, (President, AMSU), Chowkhiya Tayang. (GS, AMSU and Bachemso Chiba (former President ALDSU) suspected on unfortunate Mob lynching cases of February 19th 2018 last at Tezu.

The union’s further added that the failure to meet the objectives of the bandh will immediately followed by Phase – 2 of the Bandh for 48 hours and Phase – 3 of the bandh which will be indefinite in the entire Mishmi belt till the objectives of the enforced bandh are met, discloses the union’s sources.

Arunachal: 12 hrs Njaw and Lohit bandh passes off peacefully

In an interaction, DW Thungon Superintendent of Police Lohit district informed adequate deployment of forces including three (3) platoons of CRPF, IRBN, APP and APBN. “Forces deployment suspecting as per the sensitive pockets right from Sunpura, Digaru Tri –Junction, TCP point, Gandhi Chowk, Market main Traffic point, Kanchi Charali and Tezu Khola Bridge point respectively were given special watch and vigilance to foil any untoward incident. Apart from logs, Tyres burn, Bamboos and stones intercepting the road at various pockets no untoward incident reported during the bandh called,”, the SP reveals.

During the bandh entire district witnessed standstill, Private offices, school, long distance Bus, Winger and SUMA services were completely paralysed. Govt office recorded thin attendance. Market, Business establishment, Petrol Depot drawn their shutter down. Entire township road were looked deserted except the movement of Army, Medical, Magistrates, Police and emergency.

The union have been demanding for release of the students leader.

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