
Administration declared 12-hour capital bandh illegal


The Deputy Commissioner Cum District Magistrate Itanagar Capital Complex  Prince Dhawan,  vide an executive order has declared the 12 hrs Capital Bandh proposed by Mere Vichaar Andolan Committee (MVAC) on 25th September 2017 as illegal and has directed the said organisation to refrain/desist from enforcing the proposed bandh by calling it off.

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The DM ordered that any damage or destruction to Public or private properties shall be recovered from the Bandh Callers, if proposed bandh call is not called off and the violators of this Order shall be viewed seriously and penal action will be taken as per law.

The DM further informed that the vehicles would ply as usual. He also informed that the markets would remain open and incase if any shop is found closed, their trading license would be cancelled.

The DM has stressed that the District Adminstration has zero tolerance against such bandh call and the culprits would be dealt with an iron hand. He further stressed that peaceful democratic means are welcomed but such illegal bandh calls cannot be permitted.

Former CM Late Kalikho Pul's wife Dasanglu Pul opposes 12 hour capital bandh

Read this also-  Former CM Late Kalikho Pul’s wife Dasanglu Pul opposes 12 hour capital bandh, call by MVAC


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