
Chowna Mein inaugurates Training Programme of Officers on Cabinet Notes


Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein inaugurated the day long training programme of Senior Officers on Cabinet Notes in the Office of the Chief Secretary at Civil Secretariat today.

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DCM called upon the officers to take utmost care while drafting cabinet note and is placed before the cabinet for decisions citing that the basis and correctness of the decisions of the cabinet are solely based on the Cabinet Note. As the decisions in the Cabinet are taken on the basis of inputs brought before the Cabinet by the Various Departments in the form of Cabinet Notes, therefore it is quite imperative that correct facts are reflected in the Cabinet Note, said Mein.

State Cabinet being the highest decision making body of the State Govt, he asked the officers to be cautious and not to place any partial facts that may misled the members of the Cabinet into taking wrong decisions.

Mein further said that it is important to have Inter departmental consultations and obtain opinions of important regulatory departments such as law, finance, personnel and Administrative reforms before finalizing cabinet notes.

He congratulated and lauded the IT Department and the Cabinet Cell for launching the e-Cabinet in the last Cabinet Meeting citing that it will be a powerful tool for the government to streamline its decision-making process. He said that the e-Cabinet will give ample time to the ministers to read, understand and absorb the issues of the upcoming cabinet meetings as they will have access to the data through their desktop and laptop computers, IOS, iPads and Android based tablets well before the cabinet session begins.

The system besides helping ministers to prepare for cabinet meetings, it will also makes it paper less and will also reduce the session time drastically as the ministers will have access to the review of each agendas item and can determine their own position by leaving a comment on the topic before the session begins.

He expressed hope that that the training which is being imparted by a very experienced resource person, P K Jaiswal from New Delhi- Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) will go a long way in Strengthening systems for Good Governance.

Chief Secretary, Shakuntala D Gamlin who is also the Secretary to the Cabinet said that the training on Cabinet Note is being conducted to introduce reforms in the governance and to reiterates govt guidelines. She said that the Cabinet Notes must clearly follow the prescribed format for submission to the Cabinet and should strictly adhere to the guidelines framed by the Cabinet Secretariat, Govt of India.

She said that the Cabinet Notes must be prepared, appraised and finalised well in time by the HoDs enabling the Cabinet members to adequately go through the proposals in-depth prior to the Cabinet Meeting. It must be written in simple English language and with clarity of purpose clearly spell out. She said that the vision and philosophy of the Govt. must be portrayed and woven in to the Cabinet Note in brief.

While Principal Secretary to Home, Personnel, AR and Political, Satya Gopal in his introductory speech said that the training is being imparted to refresh skills and knowledge in drafting of Cabinet Notes as it requires considerable care and attention.

Resource Person, P K Jaiswal, Under Secretary, GoI, New Delhi appreciated the state Cabinet Cell and the IT Department for launching the e-Cabinet saying that Arunachal is among the first few states to introduce e-Cabinet in the country and to achieve such feat. Secretary to Chief Minister, Sonam Chombay also spoke on the occasion.

Handbook on Writing Cabinet Notes was also released by the Deputy Chief Minister on the occasion.

In the day long training programme, Principal Secretaries, DGP, Commissioners, Secretaries, IGPs, Special Secretaries, Additional, Joint Secretaries, Directors, Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries were imparted training in two separate sessions.


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