763 BRTF ( Project Vartak ) Organised Tawang Marathon 2017

763 BRTF Project Vartak /BRO conducted Tawang Marathon from Tawang Monastery to War Memorial a distance of 05 KM in which more than 800 participants from civilian and forces participated.
MLA Tsering Tashi graced the occasion as Chief guest along with Nawang Norbu Lama of Tawang Monastery several dignitaries viz DC Tawang, SP Tawang, DFO Tawang, ZPC Tawang and several other officers dignitaries were present. Brig M.P. Singh, Brig Cdr 190 Bde flagged off the Run at 1000 hrs.
Prize distribution was done at War Memorial after the run. Two categories were created one of men and other for women. Three Prizes, First, Second and third were given in each category along with 10 Consolation prizes in each category. After prize distribution, group photograph was taken with winners at Tawang Monastery.
The winner completed the 05 Km of run in less than 18 minutes. There were no causalities and the event created of gusto and enthusiasm among the residents of Tawang and they are requesting to conduced more such events.