Tatung Tagok death case: ANSU demands proper investigation

ANSU also demanded a fair compensation to one of family members in term of govt. job, Immediate release of ex-gratia to the member of the deceased family.
All Nyishi Students Union (ANSU) on Wednesday demanded proper investigation and justice and necessary action in regard to unnatural death of social activist Late Tatung Tagok.
In a three point memorandum submitted to Home Minister Bamang Felix, ANSU said that Late Tatung Tagok was a dedicated social activist and a former President of All Tali Area Students Union (ATASU) and have participated in several social movement of Nyishi community in particular and state as a whole.
On 3rd September night at around 9.30 pm, Late Tagok with his few friends were having some discussion on the roadside of Itanagar-Hollongi road near dumping, in the meantime the police patrolling party rushed to the spot, the unfortunate situation was arise. Even few of them were allegedly assaulted and dispersed by the police and during that time it might have happened that he fell into the deep gorge and died on the spot which was known later on. He left behind with two children and one pregnant wife. The release said.
ANSU condemn the atrocity and act of police personnel involved in the episode and demanded for social justification and necessary action from the State Govt, in regards to unnatural death case of Lt. Tatung Tagok .
In the memorandum, while demanding action against the police personnel who were on duty during the time of incident on September 3, ANSU also demanded a fair compensation to one of family members in term of govt. job, Immediate release of ex-gratia to the member of the deceased family.