
Sports have no barrier of caste, creed and religion-Tesam Pongte


Parliamentary Secretary (DOTCL) Tesam Pongte addressing the meritorious sports persons of state said that ” sports have no barrier of caste, creed, religion but is a carrier which give name and fame for state and nation”.


Pongte speaking a chief guest on the occasion of the launching of the state unit of the India Sports Sangh. The launching of the organisation state unit will naturally work for promotion of  games and sports specially traditional games and sports of the country and sports being played by the tribal’s of the state and would get more familiar with the other community and recognised and in later stage it will bring laurel for state. Though cricket have many fans but our own traditional games need to be promoted because some of them are attached with our culture, identity and tradition.

The playing of games and sport will also be in curtailing the drug usage in some stages while it would benefit the youths to opt it as a career. He also appeal the youths to avail the job reservation policy of the state government through sports for future. He also requested the ISS President to focus some of the problem in sports to the national level for a resolution.

Parliamentary Secretary (LM & CA) Laisam Simai address the gathering as special guest said that sports have lots of scope in employment in all category of employment. Everybody enjoy watching games and sports if he/she is not playing.

We have numbers of traditional games and sport in our tribal society like bow ad arrow, thug of war etc which need to promote, these traditional games gives lots of enjoyment and make a body fit and sound mind. The present government and previous government of state have been giving lots of importance on games and sports.

“Life is a journey” never discourage if  lose, try and try while success will naturally reach but remember to practice properly Simai said.

ISS national President Sunil Gupta in his address said that the organisation formed eight years back to promote the traditional games and sport of the country is trying its best for promotion of traditional games and sport in the country. He was happy to see that lots of sports personnel are coming up in Arunachal too. Blaming the previous governments for low progress of games and sports specially Nehru Yuva Kendra and said that the organisation will check the working of the district sports association  and the present government under the able leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi have been doing well for promotion of games and sport and very soon there shall be a Sports University in the Region.

He said that the playing games and sorts will  encourage in fighting against drug and it will help in unity in diversity.

He said that a proposal for issue of free rail pass to sports meritorious and sports persons are under process and hope that it would be done soon which shall boast up the moral and would promote sports for rural youths.

ISS, Arunachal state unit President and former MLA Yumsem Matey, Vice President Likha Tongum among others address the gathering.

A total of 21 meritorious sports persons were felicitated on the occasion which include Techi Tangum, Gumpe Rime, Kaling Naung, Khumpung Wangcha, Tadung Dada, Sinne Mekhu, Tarak Pinky, Anjali Sagroo, Gammpung Gangsa and others


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