
Orientation programme for BJP MLAs from Arunachal begins in Mumbai


A 3-day orientation programme for BJP MLAs from Arunachal began here today at Rambhau Mhalgi Prabhodini campus. 


The inaugural function was attended by Chief Minister Pema Khandu, BJP National General Secretary Ram Madhav, BJP MP Dr Vinay Sahasrabuddhe and Arunachal East MP Tapir Gao. 

Speaking during the event, Chief Minister said after formation of first elected BJP government in Arunachal, people have high expectations. So to come up to their expectations and to deliver, the orientation programme is aimed at capacity building of MLAs to make them competent in their roles and responsibilities. 

Chief Minister hoped that the MLAs will be able to make best use of the training programme as it offers best course in leadership roles. He said it’s a historic occasion that all party MLAs have come under one roof to better themselves for development of Arunachal. 

Chief Minister said lawmakers have very important role to play in people’s lives as their decision can have great impact. So to make the lawmakers efficient and competent enough, the orientation programme has been designed. He said after the training, we can hope to see marked changes in the way MLAs perform. 

Chief Minister said Arunachal has huge potential and need focused approach of the legislators to exploit it to full. He said Arunachal is now tying up with the entertainment industry to promote the state as film making destination. He informed that two film producers have already shown keen interest and by September will be in the state for their initial tour for identifying probable film shooting location. 

Similarly, Arunachal is taking steps to explore other potential sectors such as hydropower, agri & allied sectors etc and is planning to bring big investors, said CM and urged the MLAs to play effective role in this endeavor. 

Chief Minister further said the capacity building exercise for MLAs will continue in next year again with new refresher course. He also said after training, performance of MLAs will also be monitored. 


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