Itanagar: ACCI decides to organise Verification Mela in every district

Encouraged with reception of over 20,000 applications during two-day Verification Melas on July 7 and 21 last, Arunachal Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( ACCI ) in a meeting here on Tuesday decided to launch such Verification Melas in every districts.
The ACCI executive body, chaired by president Tarh Nachung and secretary general Toko Tatung, held threadbare discussion on various problems faced and took vital decisions unanimously and lauded former DGP S B K Singh for conceiving the mela idea for preparing a data bank in collaboration with state police of all non-Arunachalees working in the state other than the Govt. The decision included:
Arunachal Pradesh has been divided into East, West, North and South zones with specific district to be headed by zonal secretary each, all district to have unit in respective name and get affiliated with ACCI, as 317 trade establishments of Ganga Akashdeep Complex receiving less foot prints for wrong entry barricade to be changed with the help of Capital Complex SP; felicitation of SI Krishnenedu Deb for bringing to book an IOC officer for duping a trader of Rs 40 lakh through RTGS with false promise of allotting a petrol depot; those contributing to ACCI invaluably to be recognised; make each ACCI action transparent and accountable; notify district meals in collaboration with district police.