F Sector’s women ask Kaso to construct water tank and renovate Community Hall

Local MLA and Parliamentary Secretary PWD, UD etc Techi Kaso visited F Sector along with Former Chief Councillor Hegio Aruni to oversee the various activities of the local denizens specially the F Sector Women Welfare Association.
After inspection of the Water tank and Community Hall the women welfare association submitted two point memorandum to the visitor about construction of overhead water tank and renovation of community hall as the local people are suffering problems owing to dilapidated condition of community hall and danger to the forthcoming four lane road in capital.
Kaso while addressing the gathering said that he have requested the HCM to provide fund so that the remaining CC pavement road of capital is completed, PWD Capital division A would be directed to prepare an estimate for renovation of the community hall at the earliest and will forward it to government to take up in RE scheme. He however said that it is too late for consideration of such scheme in the current year and cannot commit but assured to take up urgently for consideration.