Dr. Joram Yalam Nabam selected for 12th Ayodhya Prasad Khatri Smriti Award -2019

The Three Member selection committee has unanimously selected the Book “Junglee Phool” authored by Dr Joram Yalam Nabam for the 12th Ayodhya Prasad Khatri Smriti Award -2019.
The Three Member selection committee comprising of Dr Veer Bharat Talwar, Prof Ravinder kumar Verma and Viren Nanda has unanimously selected the Book “Junglee Phool” authored by Dr Joram Yalam Nabam for the 12th Ayodhya Prasad Khatri Smriti Award -2019.
The committee selected Dr Joram for her first novel “Junglee Phool” which portrays the Truth in a new and creative form. This Novel revolves round the immortality, positive aspects of Abotani, deviating from the common folklore.
There is a micro analysis as to how Abotani is legendary father figure. This is a courageous work in micro analyse of Abotani with creativity and progressive attitude impounded with deep thoughts.
In this book the word Junglee means to be with the Nature, to walk with nature, to smile with flowers, listen to the songs of the river and inner voice of the heart. It is to walk in the stony mountains and the courage to face the fear.
Till date this award has been given to Krishna Baldev Ved, Shekar Joshi, Dr Tulsiram, Dr Rose Kerketta, Anil Yadav, Sudhir Vidyarthi, Dr vinay Kumar, Walter Bhengra and Nida Nawaz.
This award will be conferred in the month of November 2019 at Muzaffarpur, Bihar.
This award is instituted in name of Ayodhya Prasad Khatri a prominent writer in Hindi Literature. Dr Joram Yalam Nabam is first from North East while this award is given for literature work in any language
The award contains a citation and cash. the sources informed.