Chowna Mein calls upon PWD Engineers to revitalise work Culture

Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein called upon the engineers of PWD to revitalize the work culture to regain the lost glory of the Department and to uphold the prestige of the department. He was reviewing the physical and financial progress of projects under Centrally Sponsored Schemes viz., NLCPR, CRF, NEC, RIDF, etc. implemented by the department in the departmental review meeting that was held at new Legislative Assembly Auditorium Hall at Itanagar today.
Mein stressed on strict monitoring of the works by regular supervision by the respective field engineers from Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer and Executive Engineer when the schemes are being implemented to ensure quality execution and timely completion of the projects.
Citing poor maintenance of quality in the implementation of some of the previous projects, he said that there is should not be any compromise in quality of works especially in roads, bridges and building infrastructure and added that these have to be constructed as per the technical specification in DPR and CPWD Manual.
He asked the engineers to come up with innovative schemes considering the local conditions like flood and landslides. He also called upon them to design earthquake resistance building as the State is falling under high seismic zone and not to compromise in DPR preparation in terms of technical soundness.
Mein also said that the fund for construction of CC Pavement for uncover portion of capital roads and the some of the district headquarter roads would be kept in the coming budget and asked the department to submit proposal before the budget.
He further asked the department to register the eligible district contractors so that more people can participate in the economic activities under the Arunachal Pradesh District Based Entrepreneurs and Professional Act.
He also asked the department to submit the projects falling under critical observations with the genuine reasons to be taken up under Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure.
Parliamentary Secretary for PWD, Techi Kaso called to maintain quality of work and prepare technically sound DPR . He also said to complete all formalities while plotting tender so as to avoid litigation after awarding of work citing litigations as main cause of delay in the implementations of many projects. He also stressed to execute and complete the work in time so as to avoid cost escalations.
Commissioner (PWD), Bilatee Pertin called upon the engineers to be the catalyst and change agents of transformation. He said that the accountability and transparency of the Govt will be visible to the people when it is properly replicated by them through proper implementation and quality of works by building good roads, bridges, culverts and other infrastructures. He also informed that the recently passed Arunachal Pradesh State Road (Regulation & Development) Bill which is awaiting Governor’s assent will empower the engineers with vertical and horizontal regulatory authority to deal with any violators and encroachment in right of way while building roads. He further called upon the Executive Engineers to open accounts for all the Divisions under Public Financial Management System (PFMS) immediately as it will enable efficient flow of fund, easy payment and accounting.
Chief Engineers of SID&P, East Zone, West Zone, Central Zone (A&B), Western Zone, Highway (East & West), Training & Vigilance and CSQ presented the physical & financial progress of the projects falling under them.
In the day long review meeting which was still in progress at the time of furnishing this report since morning 10 AM, physical & financial progress of District Secretariats, major district roads were also reviewed and the problems, hindrances and reasons for delay in completion of various projects and solutions were also discussed.
Superintendent Engineers from various circles and Executive Engineers from the divisions across the State also attended the review meeting.