Arunachaql: NHRC’s ‘Open Hearing and Camp Sitting’: considered 57 matters

The National Human Rights Commission has considered atleast 57 matters in three bench sittings during the one day Open Hearing and Camp Sitting at Dorjee Khandu Convention Centre, Itanagar today.
The National Human Rights Commission has been, in discharge of its functions u/s 12 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 and in keeping with the recommendations made by KB.Saxena, IAS (Retired) holding Camp Sittings/Open hearings in the various parts of the country for creating awareness and ensuring better protection of Human Rights.
Justice HL Dattu, Chairperson NHRC mentioned that the Camp Sitting and Open hearings a mechanism to monitor and review significant issues of Human Rights, create public awareness and provide a voice to the marginalized sections besides action against the perpetrators.
Ambuj Sharma, Secretary General, NHRC in his address emphasized upon the need of Human Rights for civilized development also expressing that the Camp Sittings provided an interaction at grass root level for consideration of the wide spectrum of views and issues pertaining to the different sections of the Society.
The Chief Secretary Satya Gopal during his address stated that Human Rights is the foundation stone for the society while emphasizing that Arunachal Pradesh was predominantly a Scheduled Tribe State, with 26 tribes and over 80 percent tribal population, it was mentioned that the State cherish to nurture and protect communal harmony with no atrocities on scheduled tribes.
In his welcome address, GS.Meena, Commissioner. Home, shared the concern of the Commission for expeditious submission of reports besides a watch on Protection of Human Rights and implementation of the recommendations made by the Commission.
The matters considered included issues such as atrocities on SC/ST suffering by Chakma and Hajong people, Health Care, Dilapidated conditions of roads, Non-implementation of the Right to Education Act, Lack of basic amenities for villagers at Indo-China border, Increase in suicide cases and lack of mental health care centres, scarcity of drinking water in Debing village in East Siang district, conditions in jails, including overcrowding, health care and denial of facilities and implementation of Central Government flagship programmes. The Commission expressed its concern on the delay in submission of the various reports in general and, in particular, in matters pertaining to deaths in custody. The Commission recommended monetary relief of Rs. 14.40 lacs in two cases of prima-facie violation of human rights and in one case of death in police custody, the State government assured of implementation of the recommendations earlier made by the Commission for payment of Rs. Two lacs to the NOK of the deceased. The State government also assured to direct the authorities to submit District-wise details of implementation of the Right to Education Act and issue circulars to the authorities including private schools for such implementation.
In three cases the Commission issued Show Cause Notices to the State government for award of monetary compensation of Rs. 4.5 lacs. Four cases were closed upon receipt of the reports and in other cases either further time was allowed for submission of reports or reports submitted taken on record for further consideration/examination by the Commission.
The Single benches sittings were followed by an interaction with the NGOs and Human Rights defenders who raised many important issues including lack of basic infrastructural facilities in remote districts, water crises in the Damang district, improper implementation of the PDS scheme, lack of internet facility, and non functioning of Common Service Centre, the need for up gradation of the FSL laboratories, increase in budget for proper health care and medicines for the population and the absence of specialists in various disciplines for proper health care.
The issues of Rights of indigenous people, non supply of nutritious food at village level through Anganwadi Centres and lack of toilets in districts and villages were raised. An important issue also raised was heavy bombing by Indian Air Force in Kamle district adversely affecting public life, pollution and education of children.
The Commission appreciated the forthcoming attitude of the chief Secretary, DGP and all officers who came forward to commit their u issues of human rights in a time bound manner.