Arunachal: Six-day Skill training on Integrated Dairy Development held at Boma

HAYULIANG – ICAR-KVK Anjaw has organized 6 days long skill training for rural youth (STRY) on Integrated Dairy Development at Bomna village of Metengliang circle under Sub-mission on Agriculture Extension (SAME) of National Mission on Agriculture Extension & Technology (NMAET) of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India from 22 to 27 March, 2021 with the aim to impart skill-based training to the fifteen number of rural youth of Anjaw district.
In her valedictory remarks the Chief Guest, Mrs. Mailo Tega, ZPM Chaglongam said, dairy is an important source of income especially for women in plain region however, Mithun, also known as ‘Cattle of Mountain” is an important bovine species of Anjaw and of Arunachal Pradesh and plays an important role in the socio-economic and cultural life of the local tribal therefore, has tremendous scope and opportunity for commercial uses.
She also spoke about the declining population and interest in Mithun rearing due to free-range condition and encouraged participants to start semi-intensive rearing of cattle as well Mithun for income generation, self-employment and make the Anjaw self-dependent on milk production. Guest of Honour, Gram Chairperson Metengliang Mr. Dakhinlu Chiba also expressed his satisfaction over training topic and content and stressed to organise more programme in other area of Anjaw district.
Sr. Scientist & Head cum Course Director Dr. Santosh Kumar briefed about the programme and course covered under the training. Under the training programme, theory, practical and demonstration on scientific housing in hill condition with locally available resource, feeding of different category & stage of dairy animals, local feeds, concentrate formulation with local available ingredients, breeding practices and reproduction in bovine species, prevalent disease, parasites and its management, value addition of milk and demonstration on making high energy lick mineral block (HELMB) was covered.
In the participant’s feedback HELMB was appreciated by farmers as well dignitaries on the dais. Mr. Naveen Khoisnam Course Coordinator also explained the benefits of skill training and obtaining certificates to get bank loans and benefits of other dairy development schemes. Skill training certificates were distributed to all the participants at the end of the programme.