
Arunachal: Rajiv Gandhi University secured 16th Rank amongst the Central University across the nation

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, has topped the list. 

ITANAGAR- The Indian Institutional Ranking Framework ( IIRF ) University Ranking 2023 was released on 25th May 2023, wherein the Rajiv Gandhi University secured 16th Rank amongst the Central University (Overall) across the nation. The ranking is based on 7 performance indicators –  Academic Excellence, Research, Placement Performance, Corporate Interface, Placement Strategies and Support, Teaching Learning Resources & Pedagogy and Future Orientation. RGU deserves accolade for the spectacular achievement despite lot of bottlenecks in terms of infrastructure, connectivity, etc.

Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, has topped the list.  Reflecting  the  growth of the higher education sector in the NER, six north-eastern universities have made it to the top 20 central universities (overall) list. Other than RGU, it included Mizoram University (Aizawl), Tezpur University (Sonitpur, Assam), North-Eastern Hill University (Shillong, Meghalaya), Sikkim University (Gangtok) and Assam University (Silchar).

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The Indian Institutional Ranking Framework (IIRF) ranks more than 1,000 institutions (300+ Universities, 350 Engineering colleges, 150+ B-Schools, 50 Law colleges, 50 Design schools, 50 Architecture colleges and 100+ Undergraduate colleges for BBA & BCA) across the country. IIRF is presented and published by Education Post since 2012.

FEDERATION FOR WORLD ACADEMICS (FWA) guides the methodology and industrial feedback plays the role of Mentor for IIRF Centre for Institutional Research (ICIR) in India. The IIRF ranking is based on concrete analysis by the experts and stands as the most diverse and authentic ranking in India accepted by corporate world.

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The Rajiv Gandhi University administration take this opportunity to congratulate and thank all the faculty members, administrative staff, students, alumni and all the stakeholders who have made this achievement possible. Prof. Saket Kushwaha, Vice Chancellor, RGU, shared ‘this is a small step towards the goals of excellence that the university has set for itself and such recognition reaffirms that the university is going in the right direction.’ He further informed that RGU is also all set to get the 3rd cycle of accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).

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