Arunachal: Nine schools in Kra Daadi dist declared as ‘Tobacco Free Campus’
Altogether, as many as 1800 school children, teachers and medical officers participated in the week-long programme.

PALIN- During a weeklong awareness programme on ‘Tobacco Addiction and Its Effects’, Nine schools of the Kra Daadi district have been declared as a ‘Tobacco Free Campus’.
A six days IEC (Information, Education and Communication) and awareness programme on ‘Tobacco Addiction and Its Effects’ was conducted by the District Tobacco Control Cell, Kra Daadi District, Palin from 15th November to 21st November 2021 at various schools of the district.
During the programme, nine schools of the district have been declared as a ‘Tobacco Free Campus’.
The programme was coordinated and supervised by Dr Gimi Tang, District Programme Officer. Ms. Tamchi Para, District Consultant and Ms. Lokam Julie, Social Worker imparted trainings and also distributed various IEC materials to the students and staffs of the schools.
Altogether, as many as 1800 school children, teachers and medical officers participated in the week-long programme.