
Arunachal: Language and culture is our identity; Chowna Mein

NAMSAI- Deputy Chief Minister, Chowna Mein while attending the Indigenous Faith Day celebration organized by Indigenous Faith & Cultural Society of Arunachal Pradesh (Namsai Unit) at Namsai today said, “Language and culture is our identity and we must zealously protect and promote our language & culture.

He said, “We must also strive to revive and promote our folk songs and indigenous music”.  we must preserve them either in written documents or in audio-visual format too, he added. He said that a cultural revolution is going on to keep alive indigenous cultures & traditions and further stated that our Govt will continue to support Indigenous Faith and Cultural Society of Arunachal Pradesh in their endeavours for preservation and promotion of our rich cultures & traditions.


While informing that an Ordination Hall has been dedicated at Golden pagoda yesterday and said that it is an important part of Buddhist Traditions to keep alive the Sangha. He informed that without an ordination hall, Buddhist Temple is incomplete as it is essential for new Monks to be ordained.

On the occasion, Advisor to HCM, Tapin Sigha, Advisor to  IFCSAP (Namsai Unit), Tape Bagra (retired IAS), Vice-president IFCSAP, Bai Taba, President Indigenous Faith and Cultural Society of Arunachal Pradesh (Namsai) – Chau Khok Longchot, DC Namsai, C R Khampa also spoke among others. Executive members of various Community Based Organizations were present on the occasion.

Identity Card issued by the Department of Indigenous Affairs were distributed to the priests and Calendar 2023 by IFCSAP was also released on the occasion.


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