The bogus document which is in circulation in social media, particularly WhatsApp supposedly claims that Karbak has declared his support to the opposition party, whereas Karbak is a BJP legislator.
Liromoba MLA Nyamar Karbak has lodged an FIR at the police station here following the circulation of a “fake document” in social media in his name.
Karbak, in a written complaint addressed to the officer in-charge of Itanagar police station on Sunday wrote, “It is to bring your immediate attention that a fake document, with my forged signature is being circulated in the social media since January 26, 2019. The said document contains defamatory and untrue facts which may create political differences between me, my political party and my political superiors.”
The bogus document which is in circulation in social media, particularly WhatsApp supposedly claims that Karbak has declared his support to the opposition party, whereas Karbak is a BJP legislator.
The said document is totally unknown to me and it seems that some person(s) with vested interest is/are intentionally trying to tarnish my political image and create confusion in the minds of the people. Therefore, I request you (OC) to take appropriate legal action as per the provisions of law to unearth the truth behind the document, the complaint further read.
Meanwhile, the MLA has appealed the person(s) concerned behind the fake document to stay away from playing such unclean politics.
However Itanagar Police station sources said that the complaint is of civil nature and matter of investigation and under enquiry stage.