Arunachal : Himalayan University observed World Environment Day
A tree plantation drive was also carried out after the Seminar inside the varsity campus.

ITANAGAR- A One Day Seminar-cum-Tree Plantation programme was organised today at Himalayan University, Itanagar at its Jullong campus in commemoration of World Environment Day.
Dr. Damodhar A.T. (IFS), Chief Conservator of Forests, Department of Forest, Environment and Climate Change, Government of Arunachal Pradesh and Advocate S.D. Loda, Chairman, Youth Mission for Clean River, Arunachal Pradesh graced the programme as Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively. Professor K. Venugopal Rao, Vice-Chancellor, Vijay Tripathi, Registrar and Prof. Debaprasad Dev of Himalayan University also joined the dais.
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Speaking as the Chief Guest, Dr. Damodhar stated that Arunachal Pradesh due to its vast forest coverage is in a very healthy state of environment and he appealed to the people of the state to be cautious not to disturb and destroy this nature’s gift. He recalled that with the adoption of a Declaration on Climate Change in the year 2021, Arunachal Pradesh became the first state in the country to have a policy document on ways and means to conserve the environment.
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S.D. Loda shared his experiences especially the challenges in creating awareness for environment conservation. He stated that residents of Itanagar should develop habits of properly disposing waste materials instead of dumping them on nearby rivers. He also cautioned that due to encroachments, Indira Gandhi Park will shrink its space and size in coming days. He shared his vision of the need to develop treatment plants for bio-medical and other hazardous wastes which till day have been not properly disposed of.
Professor K. Venugopal Rao, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor while giving the Keynote Address highlighted the importance of living in harmony with nature and environment. He stated we must inculcate best practices in our daily lives that contribute to conserve environment. He called upon the younger generations of the society to value nature and environment for a brighter future.
Dr. L. Malem Mangal, Assistant Professor, Department of Law presented a paper on “Hydro-Power Projects and Their Social Implications: A Study on Selected Projects of Northeast Region”. Dr. Mangal stated that development should not take place at the cost of society.
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Development policies of the State shall strictly adhere to norms stipulated by various policies and legislations such as the Environment Protection Act, 1986, National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy, 2007 and Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Act, 2013. Involvement of all stake-holders including communities, free, prior and informed consent of all civil society should precede any development projects he remarked.
Vijay Tripathi, Registrar proposed the Vote of Thanks.
A tree plantation drive was also carried out after the Seminar inside the varsity campus. The programme was attended by Heads and faculty members and students of different teaching Departments.