
Arunachal: Admin restricted movement of heavy vehicle on Tamen Bailey Bridge  

RAGA-   The Kamle district administration on Wednesday has issued total restriction of movement of  all category of heavy vehicle on Tamen Bailey Bridge  for next ten days.

In an executive order issued by Kamle district Deputy Commissioner Hengo Basar has restrict movement of all category of heavy vehicle on Tame bridge from  February 17 to  February 26 2021 to carry our repairing and maintenance.


“ It has come to understand that Tamen Bailey Bridge  is affected with a crack on the Iron Beam in the middle portion due to crossing of heavy machinery by the Highway contractors which need immediate repairing and maintenance” he said.

“ There is an apprehension of loss of life and property is eminently apparent and bridge may collapse if heavy motor vehicle like, earth movers, JCB Road Rollers, loaded truck with machinery and Tanker are attempted to cross the bridge”. He said.

The Kolkota based Bridge Company M/s. Roof & Bridge Construction Company has been directed to carry out the repair and replacement of cracked part within a week time.

However, light motor vehicles are allowed to cross with precautions. DC said.

DC further appeal all section of society to adhere the executive order so as the Tame bridge could be repaired for smooth flow of traffic movement between Lower Subansiri and Upper Subansiri district.

He further warned that the Violator/perpetrator shall be prosecuted under relevant section of law.


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