
Arunachal: Training for Horticulture farmers held at Ziro

ZIRO-  A day-long training-cum-orientation programme to horticulture farmers of Lower Subansiri district under Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana (ANBY) was conducted by the Lower Subansiri Horticulture Department at DC’s old conference hall here today.

Highlighting the aims and objectives of the programme, Sub-Divisional Horticulture officer Hibu Dante advised the beneficiary farmers to follow the laid down technical and scientific methods of crop cultivation to reap more yields and subsequent benefits. He also urged the farmers to judiciously utilize the monetary benefits extended to them under ANBY and to repay back their bank loans timely so that banks have no trust deficit in financing their bigger ventures in future as well. Dante also emphasized on timely plantation of the crops and use of quality planting materials, procurement of planting and other materials from reliable and authorized nurseries and outlets to avoid loss due to import of infected materials.

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Under ANBY scheme, horticulture farmers of kiwi fruit, low chilling apples, orange, banana, pineapple, large cardomon, walnut, persimmon and guava are extended financial bank assistants at minimal interest rates ranging from Rs 2 to 9 lakhs to procure their planting materials depending upon their land holdings and plantations. The repayment periods for quicker growing fruits of banana, pineapple and large cardomon is 12 months while for long-term gestation fruits of kiwi, apple, orange, walnut, persimmon and guava ranges from 7 to 9 years.

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The technical sessions were chaired by Yachuli Horticulture Development Officer Tasso Yallu and Hq. HDO Millo Tara, who dwelt at length on ANBY and also highlighted the technicalities of sound and proper horticulture farming techniques to make Lower Subansiri as the most robust district in the field of horticulture.

ZPM’s Nani Jalyang, Pura Dolo and Koj Yana also attended the programme and urged the farmers to be self-reliant or Atma Nirbhar and to cooperate whole heartedly with the department which was fortunate to have so many well experienced local officers with in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.

The programme was attended by 35 beneficiary farmers from various parts of Ziro-I circle.


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