RGU faculty members felicitated for prestigious JSPS international fellowship, award of patents and publications.

ITANAGAR- The faculty members of Rajiv Gandhi University have made spectacular achievement in the field of research and publications. In a small yet glittering ceremony on 21st August 2021 in the office chamber of Vice Chancellor, the faculty members were felicitated by Vice Chancellor, Prof. Saket Kushwaha.
While welcoming the gathering, Dr. N.T Rikam, Registrar, briefed about the purpose of program and extend his hearty congratulation to all those who have achieved in their respective field and hope that they would add many more feather to their cap.
Dr. Jyoti Jaiswal, Department of Physics, has been selected for the prestigious JSPS (Japan Society for the promotion of Science) International Fellowship for Research in Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan. She is the only Indian woman in Engineering Sciences to get this prestigious fellowship for a period of 24 months with a monthly scholarship of Rs.2.5 lakhs.
Three Patent Awardees – namely, Prof. Hui Tag, Department of Botany and Mr. Arindam Chakrabarty, Department of Management were felicitated for their commendable achievements.
Prof. Hui Tag got two patents on “A process for isolation and yield increase of flavonoid compound/quercetin from plat houttuynia cordata thumb by UV-B exposure”by Australian Government and “A process for isolation of flavonoid compound/ “Rutin” from Plant SpilanthesPaniculata” by Government of India, while Mr. Arindam Chakrabarty was awarded on “A city security bases sensor arrangement for improving the urban environment” by Government of India
Prof. P.K. Kalita and Prof Sanjeev Kumar, Department of Physics, Prof. Sumpam Tangjang, Department of Botany and Prof. Gibji Nimasow, Department of Geography were felicitated for their publications in international research journals with high impact factor (SJR Q1).
The program also marked by felicitation of Prof. Amitava Mitra, Pro-Vice -Chancellor, and Dr. Kushulendra Pratap Singh, Department of Social Work for their edited books on “Non-farm sector and livelihood diversity in rural Assam” and “Contemporary study in social work”, respectively.
While felicitating the achievers, the Vice-Chancellor appealed all faculty members and research scholars to go for publications in high impact factor journals and announced to provide research incentives and other logistic support for their publications and patents. A portal is being developed to upload the research achievements of the faculty members and scholars. The university has already decided to grant cash incentive of 75% out of total patent cost to the patentee and a sum of Rs.10000/- for publication in high impact factor journals of national and international arena.
Prof. Amitav Mitra, Pro- Vice Chancellor, Prof. R.C. Parida, Director, IQAC also shared words of wisdom during the program. The program ended with vote of thanks from Prof. Otem Padung, Finance Officer, RGU.