Arunachal: Ziro Birds Walk re-launched

ZIRO – The Ziro Birds Walk was re-launched today at Swkhe Lake which is home of varieties of winter water migratory birds.
The main objectives of the Ziro Birds Walk is to spread awareness among the local people and had walked in the different community forest in the past. The Ziro Birds Walk will continue in the community forest in the future to gain momentum among the local people to understand the important of birds in ecological & economical perspectives. “so far 331 species of birds have been identified in Ziro as per Koj Mama President Arunachal Pradesh Birding Club”
All together 14 members from different fields has participated in the re-launch event this morning by overcoming the chilled cold Ziro weather.
More than 30 different species of the birds recorded during the walk to name few migratorty ducks-Mallard, Garganey, Gadwal, Common Teal and some endemic and winter birds like Blue Whistling Thrush, Striated Laughing Thrush, Himalayan Buzzard, Dusty Warbler,Little Bunting etc.
The bird walk were lead by Millo Tako who is birders and wildlife photographer and also attended by Harsh Raj Wathore(IFS) Hapoli Forest Division, Krishna G Insau Sr. Manager Oil India Limited Duliajan, Assam who is also amateur birders, members of Ngunu Ziro and school children from Itanagar and Ziro.