Massive protest against air force bombing zone at Dollungmukh in Kamle district of Arunachal Pradesh today demanding shifting bombing zone. They carried peace march having national flag. Demanding justice and shouting slogan of ” Bharat Mata ki jai” , “We are not Chinese”, we are Indian “. Govt should provide safety and security of our life and property from Air force bombers.
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It must be mention here that one person named Bini Todum was seriously injured and at least four Mithuns have been killed reportedly due to Indian Air Force (IAF)’s bombing exercise over Ruyu village on last Tuesday night.
Todum was at his home in Ruyu village , which is outside the demarcated bombing range of the IAF, when the bomb struck, injuring him and damaging his home.
The locals said that ‘on June 5th night, the IAF reportedly carried out bombing exercise wherein at least four mithuns were killed, and a man got injuries , but the bombing exercise is still going on in the area.
.Meanwhile The Indian Air Force (IAF) ordered a court of inquiry into the routine bombing exercise of the IAF fighter plane and particular of this incident. The IAF fighter planes take off from Tezpur in Assam for the drills.