
Arunachal: Cleanliness drive by 30th Nirjuli Nyokum Yullo celebration committee

NIRJULI- The 30th Nirjuli Nyokum Yullo celebration committee has appeal the festival celebration committee of various tribes, communities and religion to maintain their respective festival ground/place of worship and area clean and hygiene.

Motivating the locals of Nirjuli township today the team of 30th Nyokum Yullo Celebration committee with support of Nirjuli Market Welfare committee (NMWC) and Itanagar Municipal Corporation (IMC) Nirjuli Ward Corporate Tarh Nachung has carried out social service and cleanliness drive in the township.


The team of volunteers has carried out cleanliness drive on both side of roads from Bage Tinali to Nyokum celebration ground to Nikum Niya ground. they also collected the huge quantity of garbage’s which were lifted by IMC vehicle and bottle of various types including water bottle and alcohol bottles were disposed properly.

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The team also installed few dustbin in the area so that the pedestrian do not throw garbage’s on the road and roadside. The committee members said.

They also inform that we have been informing the local residents of the township to wake up early and help other members of family to do some exercise and also collect the garbages of their respective residential/commercial premised and disposed them to IMC vehicle or safely to dumping ground.

Our city has been names as Smart city but it would become smart city if we all come together and do our work without asking other to do so.  “let us initiate our self or charity begins at home  and clean our home clean our home, office and business place so we remain disease free and live with a fit body and sound mind” the committee members further said.


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