
Arunachal: SBI team visits Rubber plantation site at Tarajuli

Horticulture sector has huge potential to boost rural development in Arunachal Pradesh.



State Bank of India ( SBI ) chief regional manager (NE region) Suni Kumar Tandon said on Thursday after inspecting Green Gold Integrated Farm at Tarajuli, particularly where one lakh rubber plantation have been planted.

Tandon, who was accompanied with a group of senior SBI officers, including General, Manager, SBI Guwahati, DGM Guwahati, Regional Manager SBI Itanagar said that a processing plant should be installed to benefit other rubber cultivators of the state and neighbouring Assam.

The rubber planter Likha Maj while informed that he had taken up rubber cultivation under the state flagship programme initiated during Nabam Tuki Govt by putting rubber on its priority agenda

However, Rubber Board of India (RBI) chairman Sheela Thomas after inspecting the nursery and plantation along with a group of senior RBI and GoAP officers including Secretary Indira Mallo, trade & commerce department (TCD) director Tokong Pertin on 22.04.13 was highly impressed and said that this initiative would go a long way in supplementing the efforts of the GoAP in propagating rubber cultivation while serving as a model for the state’s rubber growers.

In fact, Maj had visited Vaikundam Plantations Ltd (VPL), Travancore and had a training for 15 days and Agartala for 7 days during 2012 to gain fast hand knowledge before taking up the cultivation.

Later Maj cultivated one lakh Rubber plantation in Tarajuli area and it would be an example for others who also can start such plantation which is also good for environment and a business.


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