
Various Schools in Kurung Kumey are in Deplorable condition- NNSPSU

NNSPSU said that the union has visited entire 37 schools of Kurung Kumey and noticed the deplorable condition of various schools .


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Nyapin Nyobia Sangram Phassang Students Union (NNSPSU) demanded infrastructure, amenities  and subject teachers in various schools in Kurung kumey district for smooth functioning of academic classes and  better performances of the students.

In a press release, NNSPSU said that the union has visited entire 37 schools of Nyapin, Nyobia, Phassang, Sangram circle of the Kurung Kumey and noticed the deplorable condition of various schools .

After the discussion with teaching faculties, students, paresnts and school management committees, on various issues , it was find that there has been lack of infrastructure, scarcity of subject teachers which is hampering the better educational atmosphere.

They also find that there are land encroachment problems being faced by the school community which need immediate attention of the district administration, education department and state government.

 NNSPSU, President Gida Akal inform that it was also find during the school visit programme that several teachers are also involved in politics and misusing the seal and stamp of various defunct schools for the reason best known to them and urge upon the administration to take necessary action against them.

He also appeal all likeminded to support for development of education scenario of the area, district and state.

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