North East

Pul Mobilises Ethnic groups to bring peace in Assam-Arunachal border areas


In an effort to strengthen peace-building between Assam and Arunachal, Chief Minister Kalikho Pul today asked for further cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two states.


Speaking to the activists of Tai Ahom Yuba Parishad here today, the CM expressed his intend to give renew thrust on efforts to promote cultural interaction and strengthen friendship between the people of the two states.

As part of peace-building exercise, the CM said development efforts along the inter-state boundaries will resume side-by-side with encouragement for people-to-people interactions.

He revealed that efforts would be on to mobilise all the ethnic organisations from the two states to build a common platform in the form of ‘committees’.

This committees would work on organizing games and sports, literary events, and cultural and language exchange programmes.

On development efforts, the CM revealed that the state government would build schools, hospitals, police stations and other service institutions close to the Assam borders, which would serve people from both the state.

 He said Assam counterpart would also be encouraged to take up similar activities along its border.

 Also, the CM revealed that statue of legendary Assamese singer, Bhupen Hazarika, would be erected on major entry points along the Assam-Arunachal boundary to celebrate the centuries of cultural bonding between the two states.

 “Late Bhupen Hazarika” he said “made great cultural contribution not only to the world but also to Arunachal”.

 The CM said he would visit all-important places in Assam-Arunachal boundary to get firsthand information on the ground situation and to monitor the progress of his initiative.


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