Pul Appeals for Peace & Harmony along Assam-Arunachal Border

Perturbed with the news that some organizations are trying to create misunderstanding between the people of Arunachal and Assam living along the Assam-Arunachal interstate Boundary through social media and regional newspapers, Chief Minister Kalikho Pul appealed to maintain the age old relationship of peace, harmony and cooperation between the people of Assam and Arunachal living along the inter-state Boundary. He said that people of Assam and Arunachal have a strong bond of human relationships and cultural affinity that has been nourished together for centuries. He appealed to the people of the two states that we should not let this bond to be shaken by divisive forces.
He said that it is very unfortunate to see some organizations with vested interest are trying to disrupt the age old relationship of the people of both the states by misguiding the general people and trying to create unwanted situation along the interstate Assam-Arunachal Border.
Chief Minister vehemently condemned the circulation of such nuisance through some social and regional media saying that his govt would not tolerate such disgruntled elements and would strongly deal with them. He disclosed that govt is conducting enquiry into the matter and said to punish those found responsible under appropriate sections of law.
He called upon the people of both the states that being the peace loving and law abiding people, we should not allow such elements to grow and create misunderstanding between the people of the two states as it is visibly clear that the voice raise by some vested organizations in social media like facebook, whatsapp and regional media is not the voice of the people of Arunachal but that of a criminal outfit.
He appealed the people not to give heed to such voices but to remain vigil and cautious and to see that such disgruntled voices of individuals or organization does not lead us in a wrong direction.
At the same time, he appealed the people to work in non-communal or non-regional manner keeping in mind the interest of the state and the nation at the topmost priority as it is the duty of every citizen of India to work for the peace and harmony of the society, CM said.