PHE Daolaguri water supply not functioning

the resident of East Daoliguri, Maydho Daoliguri, Turibari and Kumguri are depriving of daily need of drinking water since last four year because the Public Health Engineering (PHE) water supply scheme of that area is not functioning .
The resident of these villages demanding regular supply of drinking water at morning and evening which they were getting four years ago.
Mangal Brahma, a local resident said that four years ago over 200 families were getting water from water supply PHE Daoliguri and able to use daily needs like bathing, washing clothes, watering in flowers, washing utensil and providing water to animals.
He also said that they use to celebrate diyol puja near of water supply PHE in playground and which they were getting water from PHE Doliguri Kumguri during the celebration, It was a grate help to the organiser to conduct Puja but now they are not able to get water supply from PHE due to no water is available.
Sameswar Brahma, The care taker of the PHE water supply Daoliguri Kumguri said that last four year he is not able to provide water to the local resident of the locality due to he is not getting fuel from higher authority or from PHE department so that is why he cannot able to provide water supply to common people.
He said that he used to inform to higher authority regarding fuel problems but higher authority are not giving him some time once in year fuel was provided to him or villager and also said that water supply machines are alright but fuel problems to runs the machines.