
Naharlagun: Tall buildings, Mobile Towers posing threat for helicopter landing and takeoff

Lots of construction activities, including multi storied buildings are going on in the vicinity of Naharlagun helipad especially the constructions on approach & take off funnel.


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By Manoj Singh

The tall buildings and Mobile Towers posing serious threat for landing and takeoff of helicopters at Naharlagun helipad. Several correspondences have been made by civil aviation department to the capital district administration in this regard.

Civil Aviation Department Secretary S K Jain in a letter to capital Deputy Commissioner vide letter No-DCA/DGCA/Part-II dated June 20, 2019 has said that removal of temporary huts constructed adjacent to the boundary wall of the Naharlagun helipad is necessary while there should be prohibitory order for complete ban for construction of structure up to 100 metres of the outer boundary of Naharlagun helipad.

Several permanent nature and more construction is coming up which may be a serious threat to the safety and security of helicopter and helicopter operation and strong wind of rotors of helicopter during the landing and takeoff may be dangerous to the inhabitants. The letter said.

Lots of construction activities, including multi storied buildings are going on in the vicinity of Naharlagun helipad especially the constructions on approach & take off funnel. As pointed out by the Helicopter Operators during Safety Action Group meeting such conductions will have adverse impact on safe operation of helicopters from Naharlagun helipad if not stopped Immediately  Hence, minimum safety requirements as stipulated should be made effective, mentioned in the latter.

Two Mobile towers in base leg/final approach at approximately 260 – 500 metres from Naharlagun helipad painted grey are causing operational hazards and need to be painted alternately orange and white in a pattern not less than 1.5 metres to 3.00 metres in rectangle for proper visibility as observed in Surveiljance Inspection by DGCA Air Safety team. The letter further said.

The Sunday market, vendors and parking of vehicles in great numbers blocks the entrance of the Gate No.1 of Naharlagun helipad which has been provisioned for emergency exit in the event of any exigencies and hence parking of vehicles during Sunday market should be regulated. The garbage dump just outside the Naharlagun helipad gate No.1 emanates foul smell causing the risk of employees falling sick and bird activities which have adverse effect on the flight safety of the helicopter operations. Hence, the garbage dump should be shifted on priority.

The issues are required to be addressed immediately to avoid suspension of helicopter operations from Naharlagun helipad by regulatory authority i.e. DGCA / BCAS. Hence, necessary action may please be taken on priority. The letter added.

One senior officer from Civil Aviation department inform that there are several lacuna which need to be take care by authority but in several case it have been observed that the administration have not taken guidelines seriously but this year when the letter from Secretary Civil Aviation SK Jain have been sent to the administration now the local administration have become active.

Additional district magistrate cum Chief estate officer Talo Potom when contacted said that he have carried out inspection alongwith his staffs on June 28 regarding safety security concerns at Naharlagun Helipad  and found that the Prohibition Order dated 3rd January’2012 was promulgated and thereafter, several correspondence were made to the concern authority regarding construction of structures against the above mentioned Prohibitory Order but no action was taken and meantime, construction already taken place. Also, obstruction/ Lightning and Marking. Two cell towers have come up on the base Leg/final for approach. The towers are painted grey unlighted and are at radial / dlst 260/500 mlr and 250/1000 mtr from the Naharlagun Helipad and are an aviation hazard.

He said construction, creation of any structure or building or plantation or creation of other Infrastructure within the radius of 100 Mtrs from the crest of the outer parapet of helipad stand prohibited for ensuring sage air operation and security reasons. And therefore another prohibitory order u/s- 133 CrPC have been issued on June 28 prohibiting any individuals not to construct/ erect of crate any building or structure or infrastructure including planting of trees within the limit of 100 mtrs from the crest of the outer parapet of helipads of Naharlagun.

Ten individual person have been informed and directed to remove their structure and to paint the tower as per aviation norms for the safety and security reason within two weeks failing which action will be imitated latest by July 15. Few individuals have approached his office and have assured to abide by the order. Potom added.

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